Winter Park Sparkles for 4th of July

Party in the Park this Fourth of July Weekend! Activities, Events, Music and more await you in Winter Park and Fraser!
Friday, July 1:
Freeride Friday: Winter Park Resort, Trestle Bike Park. For just $34.99, get a downhill
mountain bike, lift ticket, protective gear and all the runs you can fit into 3 hours. Just leave
the city by early afternoon to take advantage of this $79.99 value for only $34.99. Call
970.726.1564 for more information.
Music on the Mall: Kick off the weekends with Music on the Mall every Friday from 5-7 pm at Cooper Creek Square. Bring the
family and friends and enjoy live music by the fountain. This week: Boston-based singer-songwriter, Todd Thibaud, brings elements
of Americana, Folk, Country and Roots Pop Rock to the stage
Coca Cola Family Movie Night: The Village at Winter Park presents Outdoor Movie Night! We will be showing a great selection of
family and kid-friendly movies every Friday evening from July 1 – Labor Day Weekend. Movies will be held outdoors on the lawn
next to the Private Lesson Center and are free to the public. A limited number of chairs are provided. All movies will begin just after
sunset. Times may vary week to week. This week No Barriers Special Presentation movie will show from 4 – 5:30 pm.
Bergman Piano Duo presented by the Grand County Concert Series: Church of the Eternal Hills, Tabernash. The husband and
wife piano duo, who reside in Canada, have been performing since 1991 and travel throughout the world. Classical music is their
favorite but their love for jazz is a close second. They average between 20 and 30 concerts a year. We are thrilled to have them back
this year. Tickets online at, or at the door, $20 adults, $10 students. Dessert reception with the
artists after the concert.
Audiophilia: ULLR’s Tavern, in Winter Park. Pulling from a variety of influences, audiophilia is a musical experience comprised of
soulful vocals, danceable rhythms, and infectious grooves that will keep you moving. From all original tunes to spontaneous jams,
these four talented musicians from Corvallis, OR tour the US to spread their sound. From 10pm – 12:45 am.
Saturday, July 2:
Grand Park Run for Independence: This annual event 5-mile run/walk/roll/bike on the Fraser River Trail that starts at the Winter
Park Resort and finishes at Grand Park in Fraser. There are new features with the same Independence feel! After party, awards and
raffle at Grand Park in Fraser with a Farmers Market and a beer garden. There will also be LIVE MUSIC by James and the Devil.
Call 970.726.4118 for more information and to register.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast: Best Pancakes in Grand County by The Lions Club where all proceeds go 100% back to the
community and the sight challenged. 7:30 – 11:00am in Grand Park in Fraser.
Summer Kick Off at the Village at Grand Park: 9 am – 5 pm, Run for Independence, Farmer’s Market, Live Music with James and
the Devil and events all day! Come celebrate summer at Grand Park.
Donation Mat Pilates: Mountain Moon Yoga, Winter Park Station, 7:30 – 8:20 am. Minimum $1 donation, all proceeds go to
Northwest Rocky Mountain CASA. A workout to challenge all levels!
Ice Cream Social: Cooper Creek Square, 1-4 pm. Celebrate the holiday weekend with live music by Easy Bill & the Big Beat, face
painting with Su-Z-Q-Z the clown, balloon modeler, free ice cream, KidsZone crafts and hula hoop contests.
Free Horse Drawn Carriage Rides: Cooper Creek Square from 3 – 7pm. Enjoy a free horse-drawn carriage ride through downtown
Winter Park. While visiting Cooper Creek stroll through the variety of shops, savor a flavorful gelato by the fountain, sip a glass a
wine or have a bite to eat.
Free Bike Clinic: Jumping Safely and Confidently. Receive professional instruction every Saturday with free one-hour clinics
focused on skills and techniques to help you master mountain biking. Learn the right way to negotiate obstacles, stay safe, and make
the most of your riding opportunities. Meet at 10:30 in the rental shop at Base Camp Lodge. Please call 888.850.4615 or visit for more information.
Cirque du Saturday: It’s a circus in the mountains every Saturday in the Village at Winter Park! Kids will enjoy the fun and festive
atmosphere as they walk with troubadours, unicyclists, stilt-walkers, jugglers, and more in the Village from 10am – 2pm. Don’t forget
to pause long enough for free face-painting and caricatures. All events are free and fun! Come one, come all! Don’t miss out on the
chance to join the circus!
Real Estate Wine and Cheese Social: Wine and cheese real estate receptions will start Memorial Day Weekend and run through
Labor Day Weekend, Saturdays 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Receptions will rotate between the Golf Course, Mountain Preview Center, and
Base Camp One. Please call 888.850.4615 or visit for more information.
Vista Vibe Acoustics with Josh McWilliams: Join us for live patio music every Wednesday and Saturday from 5-8 pm at Seven
Trails Grille. Listen to regional rock, bluegrass and country bands on Wednesdays, and acoustic singer-songwriters on Saturdays. Free
for all ages. Please call 1.970.887.5200.
High Country Stampede Rodeo: in Fraser at 4-9pm at the Fraser Rodeo Grounds.
Star Safaris, Astronomy in the Park: Star Safaris are an exciting two hour program featuring the University of Colorado at
Boulder’s Fiske Planetarium. Gaze through high-powered telescopes and enjoy pinpointing stars and planets by laser, while learning
about the science of stars in our dark mountain sky. Guest speakers will include staff and students from the Department of
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. This free program is available on select Saturday
nights throughout the summer season. The program will begin at 8:30pm. 970.726.1564 for more information.
Sunday, July 3:
Geocaching 101: Winter Park Resort boasts over 3 dozen caches hidden on and around the mountain ranging from green-circle EASY
to black-diamond DIFFICULT. GPS Rentals are available at the Winter Park Resort Rental Shop in the Village for $10 per day. If you
have your own GPS, geocaching at Winter Park is FREE.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast: Best Pancakes in Grand County by The Lions Club where all proceeds go 100% back to the
community and the sight challenged. 7:30 – 11:00am in Grand Park in Fraser.
Monday, 4th of July:
Lance Gutersohn 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks 4-10pm at the Fraser Valley Sports
Complex. The Fraser Valley Fourth of July Celebration is a community event that draws over 4,000
Grand County residents and guests throughout the course of the day. The theme this year is Beach
Theme. The event has many facets that appeal to all ages. From late afternoon until evening, the
Fraser Sports Complex bustles with family fun: sporting games, kid’s activities, community picnic an
d live music by The Bluffets. Lots of carnival games, face painting, slackline, and much much more!
A spectacular fireworks display at dark adds to the festivities. Get dinner there at our food booths.
Come and support the Grand County Search and Rescue!
4th of July Parade and Party at the Park: 4th of July parade in downtown Granby. Parade starts at
10:30am. To find out more information about the parade or to have a float in the parade, please
contact the Granby Chamber of Commerce at 970.887.2311.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast: Best Pancakes in Grand County by The Lions Club where all
proceeds go 100% back to the community and the sight challenged. 7:30 – 11:00 am in front of ski
Broker across from Safeway in Fraser.
4th of July Lion’s Kids Fishing Derby: 10 am – 2 pm at the Fraser Fishing Ponds in front of
Safeway. Sign in from 10 am – 11am, fishing from 11 am – 1 pm and prizes awarded at 1:30 pm. FREE admission and participation.
4th of July BBQ at Devil’s Thumb Ranch: Join us for an old-fashioned star spangled All-You-Can-Eat BBQ with all the fixins this
Independence Day! 11:00am to 4:00pm.Musical Entertainment by Rob Drabkin noon – 3:00 pm. Live Chef’s BBQ Station with
Burgers, Hotdogs, Ribs and Chicken Buffet Style Potato Salad, Summer Garden Salad, Watermelon Salad , Corn on the cob and house
made cornbread. Angel food cake with summer berry compote, and Chocolate Devil’s Cake. Enjoy guided nature hikes, a mountain
bike ride, fly casting lessons, archery, animal petting zoo and more.Cirque du Saturday: It’s a circus in the mountains every Saturday in the Village at Winter Park! Kids will enjoy the fun and festive
atmosphere as they walk with troubadours, unicyclists, stilt-walkers, jugglers, and more in the Village from 10am – 2pm. Don’t forget
to pause long enough for free face-painting and caricatures. All events are free and fun! Come one, come all! Don’t miss out on the
chance to join the circus!
Real Estate Wine and Cheese Social: Wine and cheese real estate receptions will start Memorial Day Weekend and run through
Labor Day Weekend, Saturdays 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Receptions will rotate between the Golf Course, Mountain Preview Center, and
Base Camp One. Please call 888.850.4615 or visit for more information.
Vista Vibe Acoustics with Josh McWilliams: Join us for live patio music every Wednesday and Saturday from 5-8 pm at Seven
Trails Grille. Listen to regional rock, bluegrass and country bands on Wednesdays, and acoustic singer-songwriters on Saturdays. Free
for all ages. Please call 1.970.887.5200.
High Country Stampede Rodeo: in Fraser at 4-9pm at the Fraser Rodeo Grounds.
Star Safaris, Astronomy in the Park: Star Safaris are an exciting two hour program featuring the University of Colorado at
Boulder’s Fiske Planetarium. Gaze through high-powered telescopes and enjoy pinpointing stars and planets by laser, while learning
about the science of stars in our dark mountain sky. Guest speakers will include staff and students from the Department of
Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. This free program is available on select Saturday
nights throughout the summer season. The program will begin at 8:30pm. 970.726.1564 for more information.
Sunday, July 3:
Geocaching 101: Winter Park Resort boasts over 3 dozen caches hidden on and around the mountain ranging from green-circle EASY
to black-diamond DIFFICULT. GPS Rentals are available at the Winter Park Resort Rental Shop in the Village for $10 per day. If you
have your own GPS, geocaching at Winter Park is FREE.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast: Best Pancakes in Grand County by The Lions Club where all proceeds go 100% back to the
community and the sight challenged. 7:30 – 11:00am in Grand Park in Fraser.
Monday, 4th of July:
Lance Gutersohn 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks 4-10pm at the Fraser Valley Sports
Complex. The Fraser Valley Fourth of July Celebration is a community event that draws over 4,000
Grand County residents and guests throughout the course of the day. The theme this year is Beach
Theme. The event has many facets that appeal to all ages. From late afternoon until evening, the
Fraser Sports Complex bustles with family fun: sporting games, kid’s activities, community picnic an
d live music by The Bluffets. Lots of carnival games, face painting, slackline, and much much more!
A spectacular fireworks display at dark adds to the festivities. Get dinner there at our food booths.
Come and support the Grand County Search and Rescue!
4th of July Parade and Party at the Park: 4th of July parade in downtown Granby. Parade starts at
10:30am. To find out more information about the parade or to have a float in the parade, please
contact the Granby Chamber of Commerce at 970.887.2311.
Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast: Best Pancakes in Grand County by The Lions Club where all
proceeds go 100% back to the community and the sight challenged. 7:30 – 11:00 am in front of ski
Broker across from Safeway in Fraser.
4th of July Lion’s Kids Fishing Derby: 10 am – 2 pm at the Fraser Fishing Ponds in front of
Safeway. Sign in from 10 am – 11am, fishing from 11 am – 1 pm and prizes awarded at 1:30 pm. FREE admission and participation.
4th of July BBQ at Devil’s Thumb Ranch: Join us for an old-fashioned star spangled All-You-Can-Eat BBQ with all the fixins this
Independence Day! 11:00am to 4:00pm.Musical Entertainment by Rob Drabkin noon – 3:00 pm. Live Chef’s BBQ Station with
Burgers, Hotdogs, Ribs and Chicken Buffet Style Potato Salad, Summer Garden Salad, Watermelon Salad , Corn on the cob and house
made cornbread. Angel food cake with summer berry compote, and Chocolate Devil’s Cake. Enjoy guided nature hikes, a mountain
bike ride, fly casting lessons, archery, animal petting zoo and more.
For more Information:
All Images Courtesy