Take a Ride with Andy Schleck in Steamboat

Andy Schlek of team Leopard Trek and a top finisher in the Tour de France has been hanging out in Steamboat this weekend rejuvenating, acclimatizing, fly fishing and enjoying Steamboat hospitality before the craziness of the Pro Cycling Challenge begins.
Tomorrow, Monday August 15th, he’d like to meet Steamboat locals for a road ride! Meet at Ski & Bike Kare, 5th and Lincoln, for a 10:00 am start. Andy will lead the no-drop ride out to the red school house in Hilton Gulch on Rcr 35. Then Andy will take off to ride at his own pace.
Photographers might get their best shots poised to catch Andy’s return ride along Rcr 35. Riders, please share the road and remember that it is not legal to ride more than two abreast on country roads. Let them know your coming by clicking here.