Streets of Afghanistan Exhibit – Kickstarter Campaign for Kabul and Mountain2Mountain

Streets of Afghanistan is a cultural, bigger-than-life art exhibition that highlights the beauty and soul of the land and the people of Afghanistan while challenging existing perceptions of the war-torn country. A ground-breaking collaboration of Afghan and Western photographers through life sized photography. Click Here to Give.
Be sure to watch this GREAT Video!
Photography is a means of expression. In a place where expression is often limited, allowing photographers to see their work in their homecountry is not just allowing them to take part in an art exhibit, it’s a form of empowerment. Seeing these photographs in the US gives us insight into a world we rarely see; seeing these photographs in Afghanistan is a statement, uniting a group of artists that are committed to political change. Click Here to Give

The exhibition immerses the viewer in the busy streets of Kabul and the roads of rural Afghanistan through life-size photography, video projection, live music, kites, and people. By connecting communities and different cultures through art, Streets of Afghanistan yearns to combat apathy and break stereotypes by showcasing an area of the world that most will never see.
This exhibit allows the current narrative of Afghanistan to drop away and instead brings the color, beauty, and heartbreak to the front through the lens of the global community of photographers. Click Here to Give

“Still photos are like mirrors, helping us see our mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, even ourselves, where we least expect.” NBC’s Ann Curry
It is now time for Streets of Afghanistan to return home to Kabul as a groundbreaking public street art installation this fall. After all, it is because of the Afghan community and artists that this exhibition has come to life.

“This is a real country, with real people, with a real youth movement. Just because there is daily violence, and an ongoing war, doesn’t mean that real life doesn’t continue, that normalcy shouldn’t be encouraged, and that we can’t focus projects that embolden, strengthen, and inspire the future generation to stay in Afghanistan and give voice to its future.” – Shannon Galpin
Watch Streets of Afghanistan creator and Mountain2Mountain founder, Shannon Galpin speak at TEDxMileHigh about the Power of Voice to challenge perceptions and create change.

Streets of Afghanistan in Kabul will debut in late Fall 2012, but the exact date will be announced two weeks prior due to security.
The donations will cover the cost of production, transportation, and security for the Kabul exhibition.
To learn more about the exhibition itself visit
To learn more about the work of Mountain2Mountain