Mountain Chill FM 95.5 and Colorado Radio Stations Telethon for Colorado Flood Relief

Colorado Flood Relief: Once again, Coloradans are uniting to overcome a natural disaster of unprecedented proportions. Widespread flooding has forced the evacuation of thousands and will require months to years to clean-up. We are calling on SW Colorado to do our part to help our neighbors. On Wednesday (September 17th) we’ll be participating in a statewide radio and TV telethon to raise funds for “Colorado Flood Relief.” The funds support American Red Cross Disaster Relief efforts in Colorado and Community Food Share.
Mountain Chill will be on air along with other Colorado broadcasters starting at 4:30 on Wednesday, providing the toll-free number. Call 877-667-6727 between 4:30 and 10 PM only. Red Cross volunteers will be standing by at Rocky Mountain PBS’ studios to take your donations.
Please help by giving what you can, even if it is a dollar. Everything helps.
~MTN Town Magazine