Weather Changes Heading Our Way

A brutal change in the weather is heading in later today. A strong spring storm will march in from the north. We’ll see big winds and warmth before the frontal passage raising a red flag warning for southern Colorado. There is a chance for substantial snowfall this evening into tomorrow. Yippee or Ya right, you decide! Anyway, it didn’t freeze at 12,000 ft last night so the wet snow avalanche cycle will continue until the big freeze later. Check out the Ten Mile Canyon by Copper Mountain; impressive! So with all the news about the tragic accident on Loveland Pass, and how unstable the north aspects are, why do I see tracks on the chute next to the silver couloir on Buffalo? Hard to figure out so these people will have no sympathy when everything goes wrong.
Here is what the US National Weather Service in Grand Junction has to say:
It will be very warm and windy across the central and southern half of the area today, well ahead of the front, with a Red Flag Warning in effect for west central and southwest Colorado as well as wind advisories in effect for the central and southern valleys.
Blowing dust will occur along with the strong winds this afternoon. Showers with isolated thunderstorms are expected along and behind the front this afternoon/evening, with much colder air moving in on Wednesday. By Wednesday afternoon, most of the precipitation will have ended with only scattered snow showers for the northern and central mountains. Well above normal high temperatures today will drop some 15 to 20 degrees for Wednesday. Fair conditions with gradual warming is anticipated Thursday and Friday.
~Dan Moroz
Featured Image – US National Weather Service in Grand Junction
Avalanche – Dan Moroz is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns and resorts. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter. Click the cover to read the Winter 2012-13 Issue.
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