The Mountain Fashionista

It’s the end of May. And it is still snowing.
Like most High Country residents, I’m usually joyous as the sight of the white stuff – for with snow usually come the sound of clicking into bindings, the serenity of hidden stashes, the après beers at JJs.
Until it’s May. Then, with all the mountains closed save one (shout out to you, A Basin), it’s just dreary. This must be how people in Seattle feel when it socks in and doesn’t stop raining. It’s just depressing.
In an effort to fight the Mud Season blahs, I pulled a tube of flaming red lipstain from my bag. Carefully applying the ruby-colored paint to my lips took a little more time than it used to (I long ago succumbed to being lower maintenance than I was during my Denver days, and usually just slick on a tinted lip balm).
Checking out my reflection in the mirror, I felt fabulous. My crimson pout was daring and different. It made me smile. As I walked out of my office building and into the blowing snow, I threw my hood over my head with a certain gusto. Despite having to keep my cute spring shoes safe in the closet, the snow couldn’t defeat me. With red lips, I could still feel pretty even when heavy wet snow was soaking through my jacket, making a limp mess out of my hair, and wicking up my jeans.
Now, I know what y’all are thinking. Like stilettos, red lips aren’t practical up here. But it doesn’t take a fire engine hue to make you smile and add a little spice to your daily grind. And new formulas also don’t require you to constantly re-apply. My favorite brand to date (and believe me, I’ve tried a lot) is Revlon’s “Just Bitten” collection. One end is the pen-like color stain, and the other a lip balm.
I dare you to try it. Even if you go for a safe neutral pink, you’ll be amazed the effect that a simple cosmetic accessory will have on your attitude.
~Christine Mahorney is an altitude suppressed fashionista living in the ice and snow of the high Colorado Rocky Mountains. She and her husband run a fledgling letterpress studio, Lodgepole Press, and her husband is the wood carver / artist who does many of the fun, custom carvings you see about the towns. They have two children, ages 11 and 18 months. When not at her son’s hockey games, skiing, working, or cleaning the house, Christine is a faithful reader of Elle and Harper’s Bazaar magazines. You can reach her at [email protected].