Publishers Greeting – Celebrating 5 Years of MTN Town Magazine!

October marks MTN Town Magazine’s 5 Year Anniversary! Fall is here and mother natures beautiful hues of brilliant yellow, orange and red have peaked up here at 9,800 ft (our office elevation). It is simply glorious and helps me reflect on the past 5 years of producing MTN Town Magazine.
What a ride. The first thing that comes to mind as I prepare to celebrate this milestone is how many AMAZING people I have met building an idea into a brand. I have met some of the smartest, savviest, kind and most interesting people; all filled with a similar passion for Colorado and our mountain towns. My gratitude is overflowing. For all of you who have picked up our publication at some point in time and read through it, thank you! So many of you have shared so much positive feedback for what we are doing, another Thank You to you!
We have 20 issues under our belt (that’s a lot of words) and look forward to another 20 more, all reporting about what makes our towns great. Speaking of that we asked folks in all of our mountain towns to tell us 5 Reasons Why They Love Thier Mountain Town. We decided that would make the perfect feature for our 5 Year Aniversary issue, flip to pg 37: I think you will enjoy it too.
We also have a secondary feature discussing Homes & Realty. A House + Love = A Home. Everyone wants to live in Colorado mountain town so we covered a renovated cabin in Park County; Some current and upcoming neighborhoods in Breckenridge, Salida, Buena Vista, and Winter Park; a cool new work live development in Montrose, as well as Ranch Living in Steamboat Springs. A little something for everyone’s own particular tastes.
Our opening story gives some great insight and intel on Pagosa Springs. Joy Martin scoped out this very cool town and we love the story she has prepared for you. We have lots more inside these pages for you to discover too. We are a lifestyle magazine but as I recently told someone, we are also a business publication. Our articles always discuss a Colorado mountain town business, entrepreneur or resident giving back to their communities in some way. Please know how much we appreciate you.
One last thank you to all of you who believed in me at the beginning when I was just a passionate blogger who wanted to create a print publication. Special thanks to Juli Rathke who took time to teach me how to build magazines. Gratitude to all you who have lifted me up over and again with your praise and encouragement. Last but definitely not least, thank you to all of our incredible writers producing stories that capture the heart of where we live.
Cheers to Colorado! Cheers to this amazing place we call home, Colorado’s mountain towns.
Holly Battista- Resignolo