MTN Town Magazine- Colorado Spring/Summer 2015

Wow, spring is a wet one in our Colorado mountain towns, but it feels like the clouds are parting and the green is shining through. At 10,000ft it takes a little longer for the leaves and grass to really get going. Spring snows equal great river flows and the rivers are up. Either way I am going to get out and have some fun – you should too!
Gold Dress by Photo by Memry, Memry Anderson
About a year ago, as we were finishing up the winter issue of MTN Town Magazine, I realized that the majority of the stories we were publishing involved men. I remember when I moved here and walked into the Breckenridge Brewery, other than a single waitress there were no women to be found in that establishment. The statistics have changed since 1990 but the truth is there are more guys then gals here. Looking at winter snow sport statistics the ratio is about 60% men and 40% women (SIA). The snow sport industry is male heavy but there are a lot of women out there making themselves known and influencing these sports. In Mountain Biking the statistics are even lower, somewhere between 10% to 30% of all mountain bikers are female (PinkBike). We do make 95% of the purchasing decisions so you know who holds the purse strings. The question is, are we treating ourselves to the good stuff?
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Now I know behind every good man is a great woman and we decided on that day to create a magazine that featured some of the amazing women living and working in our Colorado mountain towns and communities. On the following pages you will hear about some incredible entrepreneurs, authors, restaurateurs, philanthropists, musicians and more. All are women contributing to our communities and making them a better place to live.
In addition we discuss the incredible little town of Ouray and have some great information on events, music, festivals and activities to plan for in the mountain towns region this summer. Read, enjoy and get out – time for summer; the reason we stayed!
MTN Town Magazine Copyright © 2015 | MTN Town Magazine all rights reserved. All editorial and images are property of MTN Town Magazine and require permission for use and re-publication.