No longer a side kick to that famous masked man, Kemosabe stands on his own. Kemosabe Sushi Bar that is. Bob Starekow and Chris Miller’s most recent addition to their Frisco culinary epicenter has been open for over two years and is an offshoot from the weekly sushi happy hour that had been held in Silverheel’s at the Orehouse – their steakhouse next-door. I waited patiently, saliva in check. I have always been amazed at how tender and delicious their sushi is. I personally feel it is one of the best places for sushi in our mountain towns.
My husband and I had the opportunity to get a night out from the kids to experience Kemosabe’s newest creations. Upon entering, my enthusiasm did not diminish. The ‘mountain metro’ styling of the restaurant is spectacular. Sleek and Earthy with a city-style not normally found in the area. The clearest HDTV sits centered above the bar. Beautiful images from Planet Earth are shown throughout the evening with great background music.
I felt ready to relax and dig in to the sushi I saw coming out from behind the bar. The restaurant was… to read more, click the link:
~MTN Town Magazine
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