International Women’s Day – Mountain Women Magazine

It has been almost 6 moths since we launched our sister publication, Mountain Women Magazine. we are so excited by the repsonse and cannot wait to get the next one rolling. If you have not hear dabout if here’s some background:
One day I was flipping through our kin publication Mountain Town Magazine, and I noticed that almost every article we published was about a man but honestly, it was a bit unsettling. Not that we do not love men, we most certainly do, but women do not get enough recognition in mountain town/ski and ride media. I looked around and saw so many badass women. Women athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, philanthropists, chefs, educators, musicians, mothers, and even those rocking the world with their skills in the grandma arts (you know, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint…). We decided right then to change that and introduced Mountain Town Magazine’s first issue of Women Who Rock the Rockies in 2015. We asked friends and friends of friends to nominate women they thought deserved that accolade and the responses were fantastic!
That edition and subsequent issues each year continued to celebrate women in our mountain towns who are significant in their contributions to their communities, have achieved personal successes in their field and are recognized with stories that featured their talents. As we were preparing our 5th Annual Women Who Rock the Rockies edition I had an epiphany. Why not resurrect Mountain Women Magazine? It was a title I had created in 2013 but shelved so we could focus on making MTN Town Magazine successful when it was in its infancy. The desire to launch Mountain Women was so strong and felt so good that I went for it and now after a lot of hard work you are reading it! We are really excited and cannot wait to continue sharing the hard hours and good work women are putting in to help others and better themselves.
Mountain Women Magazine and our website discuss favorite things we love, bits of news, food, the outdoors, our homes, travel, life, kids, growing up, and growing old. Being a mountain woman does not necessarily mean that you have to live in the mountains to be one, it is more of a having the spirit of the mountain in you. As John Muir said, “you are not in the mountains, the mountains are in you.”

A quick but very sincere shout out to the people who helped make this magazine a reality. Kristen Lummis, aka The Brave Ski Mom. We met when we were both starting our blogs. She has been a continued source of inspiration and great editorial content for many years now. She has always been my cheerleader. Colin Bane, for his incredible writing skills and as a side note, is one of the best dads I know. Anna Winger Sitton, a great writer and believer in this magazine and our stories. She’s a Buena Viking who can make a mean burger and shred the gnar like a gnarly girl! Lastly, a huge shout out to Bethany Taylor. Her story about her sibling, Hannah Taylor, is as deep and as personal as it gets. We love her tribute to her sister who was nominated last year prior to her death and thank her from the bottom of our hearts for producing it. Bethany’s writing skills are also fantastic and we hope she will want to contribute and talk about mountain women in New England.
…and you, we Thank You for reading this! Please be sure to share with your friends and family. Let people know about us, and we will keep inspiring you with our incredible stories about wonderful women. We are Girls, Mothers, Ladies, Lassies, Lovers, Babes, and Bad Asses! We are a magazine for women filled with a passion for living life in the mountains in the Colorado Rockies and beyond.
You can read the magazine by clicking here:
With Gratitude,
Holly Battista-Resignolo
Publisher and Wearer of Many Hats and Helmets
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