Help Mountain2Mountain Bring Streets of Afghanistan to the Streets of Kabul – A Kickstarter Campaign

Streets of Afghanistan is a collaborative effort of Western and Afghan photographers. Photographers from the West assisted Afghan photographers in becoming better eyes behind the lens in order to assist them in telling the stories of their people. This living art exhibition is the fruit of that relationship. It combines large-format photography, video projection, audio and humans themselves to create a wholly unique experience unlike anything done before in the nonprofit world.
Today I come to you all with urgency. Shannon Glapin the visionary, momentum maker and mover shaker of Mountain2Mountain has recognized the limited amount of time left to take this exhibit back to where it started, The Streets of Afghanistan, ” This has been my passion project for nearly 4 years. Debuted at the Denver Art Museum, I had hoped to travel it more to cover the enormous production costs, but the time is now before security is too unstable to do this as public exhibition on the streets of Afghanistan”.
M2M has 46 Days to raise $20,000.00 through Kickstarter, an online fundraising site for entities looking to raise cash for their causes. It is an all or nothing campaign. $1 is the lowest you can contribute $10,000 is the highest. Contributors will receive special gifts and offers depending upon the amount they contribute.
If $19,999.99 is raised then funds will not be given to Mountain2Mountain. They must have $20,000 raised in order to receive the funding.
So we here at MTN Town Magazine say please, $1, $10, $100 or more. Whatever you can give will help. Click here and on all images to access the Back this Project Page:
Thank you.
~MTN Town Magazine
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