Float Therapy – Perfect After A Mountain Escapade

Floating, a mind and body therapy, has come to Colorado’s mountain town communities and should be considered as a part of your health and wellness repertoire. Once a fad in the 70’s restricted environmental stimulation technique, aka Sensory Deprivation, seems like an archaic term of what I found to be an extremely relaxing experience. Floating is in the midst of a revival and it is being embraced by people of all demographics. Stress – it is today’s reality. We are all overworked and overstimulated, it is a rare moment that we can sit quietly and decompress. Floating is one therapy that allows you to completely relax and literally take a load off both your mind and body.
During the float experience people are not submerged in these spas; instead, they float. This is done with a solution of Epsom Salt that increases the water density, allowing the human body to float. Users oat face-up in a relaxed position, with the face above the water and the ear’s submerged. Epsom Salt is an inorganic salt (chemical compound) containing magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen. The pools are a tremendous benefit to the user as it also allows them to soak in this vital mineral. Magnesium is extremely important for your health because it is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body and greatly assists with soothing tired over-worked muscles and body aches.

Over 200 Spas have opened across the US in the past few years. There are two new oat studios in our mountain towns, Vive Float Studio in Frisco and Neptune Healing Float Spa in Steamboat Springs. Both are sophisticated lovely spaces that are tapping into this health trend and assisting achy bodies coming off of the trails as well as relief to area workers who are putting in overtime during the high season and playing hard during their time off.
Vive Float Studio
I had the opportunity to experience Vive Float Studio. I arrived knowing little about the experience they offered and was pleasantly surprised to find a lovely spa experience. The studio has three independent, luxurious rooms housing a changing area, shower with towels and robe, and the floating room. The floating room itself is like a mini pool with a glass door that seals you in from the outside world. It is sound proof but allows the opportunity for sound and light if you are not ready to experience complete sensory deprivation. I chose music for ten minutes along with light before I went sound and light free. It was a good intro as it took a little while to get used to being weightless.
Vive Float Studio
I could feel how tight my body was and had to move a bit before I could truly relax. It was odd, as it was very uncomfortable to be weightless until I was able to fully relax. I had prepared myself to be mindful and not review the to-do lists in my head which I also thought was helpful. The water temperature matched the air that surrounded my exposed body and really helped with the weightless process. I believe I was on the verge of falling asleep at one point, something I did not think would happen. After 30 minutes I felt great and was immersed in the experience. Ten minutes before the session was complete sounds and light were slowly introduced back into the oat studio bringing me back to my senses. I emerged, showered and then was encouraged to sit and relax with a cup of hot tea before getting on with my day. I felt good. I was quietly energized, yet calm and relaxed. The consensus? It is a great experience that I will incorporate into my schedule. I felt wonderful and invigorated; it may even be better than a massage. I encourage you to give it a try too.
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