Breckenridge Ski Area Opens – It’s a GREAT Day in Colorado!

Breckenridge Ski Resort is OPEN and what a way to greet the first day – warm air, sunshine and cinnamon rolls!
Ullr was there to bless the year and the 50th Anniversary of Ullr Fest with snow which will be rolling in later today!
There is nothing like the energy of opening day! Everyone is smiling, the skiers, the riders, the staff – everyone.
The conditions were great, soft snow to carve up…
and rails to slide!
The first chair winners still had it in them to rip up the corduroy! I hope he has sunscreen on that bald spot.
The lines weren’t too bad either.
Your never too old or too young for a day at the Breckenridge Ski Resort, it’s a first day of first days for this baby boy. Welcome little one, look at all the cool stuff you have to look forward to!
It’s a winter long party at Breckenridge! Come join them.
~MTN Town Magazine
Photo Credits:
Featured Image: Breckenridge Ski Area
All other Photos: MTN Town Magazine is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter.
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