BACON!!! The Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour, Keystone

3,000 lbs. of bacon
25 gallons of bacon ice cream
50 lbs. of chocolate for bacon s’mores
1 bacon mascot named “Blue” for the Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour
I really think that is all I need to say… this festival is one of the tastiest around and you will not regret one moment of it. The Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour is happening at Keystone Resort’s River Run Village this weekend and will serve up 3,000 lbs. of bacon June 21-22 in just about every shape, size and variety from bacon ice cream to bacon s’mores to bacon drinks along with samples of bacon too.
We attended last year and were blown away by the diffeernt types of bacon and some of the unique ways of preparing it. In addition to bacon tastings, there will be beer, Colorado’s Largest Bacon Bloody Mary Bar – with bacon and plenty of other “fixins”, of course – bacon seminars and free music from Hell’s Belles, Big Onions and Terrance Simien & The Zydeco, among others.
Plus, you can feel good about eating all of that bacon because the organizers of the event, The Keystone Neighbourhood Company, donate a portion of the proceeds to The Friends of the Dillon Ranger District, a local nonprofit that protects our National Forest land. Bacon tastings are $4 per ticket/taste or tasting packages range from $30 to $50 for adults and include beverages and more. “Pig in a blanket” lodging packages are available at or
Be sure to hashtag all you social posts while your there so we can see you favorite bacon dish and show everyone how awesome this event is! #keystonemoments and #keystonebacon
I want Bacon!!!!! Bacon, Bacon, Bacon
~MTN Town Views
Photo Credits: Keystone Neighbourhood Company
Mtn Town Views is MTN Town Magazine‘s journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns and resorts. Like us on Facebook and Follow onTwitter. Click the cover to read the Spring 2014 issue.© 2014 MTN Town Magazine. All rights reserved. Republication, in part or entirety, requires permission.