Corduroy Dream –

Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats bottomless, over-the-head pow turns. Those epic pillow lines and untouched pitches are what every skier dreams about, and what they constantly talk about for seasons to come. But, when conditions are sub par, or your legs can barely hold your weight after multiple powder days, pristine corduroy can sometimes be the next best thing.

Sure, powder is hands down in first place, but epic groomers come in at a very close second. Feeling your edges bite into the slope as you bomb down an untouched, freshly groomed run is one of the best sensations ever – and one of the best ways to start your day. And at Telluride, early morning laps on See Forever, Milk Run, Lookout and Majestic (up on Revelation Bowl) are some of the best groomers around.

So, without further ado, we present to you “Corduroy Dream,” the first of four short videos we are producing this season for the Telluride Ski Resort. Enjoy!
