10th Annual Summit for Life – Support Organ Donation

We are less then one week away from the Chris Klug Foundation’s 10th Annual Aspen Summit for Life presented by Astellas, taking place December 4 & 5 in Aspen, CO! This event raises awareness about lifesaving organ & tissue donation, while celebrating second chances and quality of life. We wrote about Chris and his organization recently and hold his cause close to our heart as we know several people who would not be her without someones selfless decision to donate their organs after they have passed on.
Registration has sold out the past three years, so register today and start fundraising for this great cause. Each participant who raises the $100 minimum will receive a racer bag that includes gift cards, snacks, gifts, and more! Participation and donations will help the 123,000 people currently waiting a lifesaving organ transplant today. 21 people die daily due to the lack of available organs for transplant and just one donor can save the lives of eight people.
Wine and Dine for Life: December 4th
Aspen Summit for Life weekend begins with a fundraising dinner benefiting the Chris Klug Foundation. Join us for an intimate dinner with Chris Klug and friends at the historic Hotel Jerome complete with spectacular wine pairings from Failla, specialty cocktails from Spring 44 vodka, music by DJ Ronnie, and favors from Aspen Fine Chocolates. Tickets available at www.summitforlife.org.
Party for Life: December 4th
Start the action-packed winter weekend with Party for Life, featuring drink specials from Spring 44 Vodka and live music by DJ Ronnie. Party for Life is hosted at the Hotel Jerome Living Room and is open to the public.
Yoga at the Sundeck: December 5th
Begin the Summit for Life race day with a yoga session at 9:30am on the top of Aspen Mountain with Shakti Shala. Classes are available for a donation and all proceeds will benefit Summit for Life!
10th Annual Aspen Summit for Life Uphill: December 5th
5 pm Recreational Start & 6 pm Competitive Start
$45 Registration fee & $100 minimum fundraising commitment
In this exciting event, contestants race from the base of Aspen Mountain all the way to the top! Racers climb 3,267 vertical feet over 2.5 miles at night. All participants receive a racer bag valued at over $100 and top racers and fundraisers will receive great prizes! The post-race party at the summit will include dinner by The Little Nell, live music, and awards for top fundraisers and racers presented by liver recipient and Olympic Bronze Medalist, Chris Klug.
Ride for Life: December 5th
Skip the uphill hike and ride the Silver Queen Gondola straight to the summit! Enjoy dinner prepared by The Little Nell, live music, awards, and most importantly, cheer on the racers while standing next to the bonfire as they come across the finish line!
Snowed In: December 5 th
Those who want to support the event but are unable to attend can opt to be “Snowed In” and still show support by sponsoring a participant or making a general donation.
Aspen Summit for Life and its supporters enable the Chris Klug Foundation to focus on the mission of promoting life-saving organ & tissue donation, and improving the quality of life for those touched by donation. Summit for Life Partners include: Astellas Pharmaceuticals, Kahtoola, Aspen Sojourner, Elite Island Resorts, The Aspen Times, Aspen Square Hotel, Aspen Public Radio, Paradise Bakery, The Aspen Club, and Aspen Snowmass.
To donate to the cause or learn more about the 10th Annual Aspen Summit for Life Weekend visit: www.SummitForLife.org or contact [email protected]. If you cannot attend or pledge to be “Snowed In” then I encourage you to check ‘YES’ and become an organ donor.
~MTN Town Magazine – We are Colorado’s Mountain Town Magazine
Images Courtesy of the Chris Klug Foundation
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