Worlds Longest Shot Ski Record Attempt Today! Breckenridge Distillery is Prepped

Today is the day! 3:30pm and the Breckenridge Distillery is attempting to be the record holder of the longest shot ski recorded: 252 feet with 153 people ready to guzzle some Hootch!
Get a wrist band and participate. Meet them at the Breck Distillery tasting room in the Blue River Plaza at 3:30 pm, show a valid ID, you’ll get a wrist band and a spot on the world record shot ski, be part of history while celebrating Ullrfest!
Check out the Video:
Woooo Hoo! What a way to start the Breckenridge Ullr Fest!
~MTN Town Magazine
Breckenridge Distillery is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter. Click the cover to read the Winter 2012-13 Issue.