Wood’s High Mountain Distillery

Wood’s High Mountain Distillery Crafts Spirits that Shine with the Essence of the Mountains of Colorado in Salida
PT is the guy with the beard, a Colorado native who has been living in Salida since 1990. He is a bona fide riverman and ripping skier. PT is also their alchemist distilling exceptional whiskey, gin, vodka, and a Fleur de Sureau Elderflower Liqueur.

Lee is the little brother who can’t grow a beard so he stays behind doors in the office steering the helm and taking care of the things that help keep Wood’s High Mountain Distillery afloat. In the winter you can be sure he’s out skinning and skiing the backcountry. In the summer he’s happiest ripping lip with a fly rod in hand.
Both are passionate about what they do and where they live. PT has been serving his community as a former Salida Mayor and is now serving in his elected role as Chaffee County Commissioner. He is also a Board Member of the American Craft Spirits Association and a past President of the Colorado Distillers Guild.

Lee stepped into PT’s Chaco’s and is currently the President of the Colorado Distillers Guild.
As if you didn’t notice, there’s a lot of River speak in this article, which feels appropriate, since that is where the idea of Wood’s High Mountain Distillery was hatched, on the River.
PT is a Grand Canyon rafting veteran. He has floated down that section of the Colorado River 18 to 20 times. On every trip, cases of whiskey are consumed by him and his Compadres. And with every bottle consumed, you would hear PT exclaim, “I could make that”.

In 2008, his words became action and then reality, after much research and business planning. It was the discovery of an old German Pot Still, affectionately named Ashley, that became available for sale in Kentucky. The Wood’s brothers were not even sure she worked but bought her, brought her home, and plugged her in. It is now one of the oldest stills in commercial operation in the world. “Ashley”, is an antique German pot still built in the 1880’s. This 144-year-old Still was initially used to distill all their products and is still in use today to distill their selections of gins.

PT discovered a 100-year-old building in Salida that housed an old auto body shop two blocks from the Arkansas River to set up their base camp. They bought it and then got to work. In November 2012, they opened a Tasting Room in the front of the structure which now offers an ever-changing menu of tasty cocktails.
Everything Wood’s High Mountain Distillery produces is crafted from locally sourced Potatoes and Grains grown down the highway in the San Luis Valley. Now there is a River Story, but it is true…
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