Weekend Weather – Play Early and look for the Perseid’s

Ample moisture with a little push from a weak system moving in from the west will trigger showers earlier Friday than Thursday. A good chance of Thunder Storms by mid day that could produce gusty outflow winds. With skies that are overcast and day time heating T-storms will start to boil up. The weekend will be unsettled as a stronger NW storm will push thru the area late Saturday. So as usual, get out early, summit that peak, but get down early as the weather will get active as the day progresses!
The hope is for a clear ceiling on Saturday night as the Perseid’s are expected to shower the skies with several dozen meteors expected per hour. The Moon is a thin crescent that rises about three hours before the Sun, so it will provide little interference. At the shower’s peak you might see a few dozen meteors per hour.
~Dan Moroz
PHOTO CREDITS: Keystone Science School, NOAA
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