Summer Solstice – Summer Weather Started Weeks Ago!

Ta Da ! Summer begins at 7:09 pm MST tonight Yeaaaa. Remember being a kid and summer meant day long exploring, bike riding, and having fun? Oh that was last weekend! When you live in the mountains your forever a kid, Peter Pan land as many know it.

Anyway, summer and the longest day of the year will start cooler, 38 degrees at the moment. Less wind today but still very dry. No rain in the forecast for the foreseeable future. A hint towards a weather change next week is in the upper left corner of todays WV shot. Brown is dry and white-blue is moisture. A storm dropping out of Alaska will change the winds to SW that will bring desert heat but eventually some monsoonal moisture, let’s hope. Happy Summer Folks!

~Dan Moroz, Weather Dude is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter.

Photo Credits: MTN Town Magazine

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