Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival- Get Your App On!
Summertime is filled with festivals throughout Colorado’s MTN Towns and if Vino is your thing then the Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival should be penned into your schedule and entered into your favorite smartphone calendar! Think rosé is passé? Think again. Pink wine is back and more popular than ever. And, it’s going high tech at The Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival July 19-20. Through a new app, you can find out what’s trending, “favorite” your favorite wines and easily locate and navigate wine tastings, wine seminars and food booths at the festival.
Sample more than 250 different wines from red to pink and white to sparkling wines and champagnes at Keystone’s River Run Village. Learn about cabernet wine regions at the “World Cup of Cabernet” seminar or the surprising ways to mix champagne into your everyday life at the “Bubbles… On the Rocks” session. Then, there’s the “Pink is the New Yum” seminar to debunk those myths about rosé.
While sipping your wine and champagne, enjoy the perfect pairing with eight different jazz bands on stage throughout the festival.
Don’t miss a beat or your favorite wine with the Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival app. The app allows you to track the music performances and wine seminars, as well as guides you to the best wines on the interactive map. And, you can also create a list of your favorite samples. Download the app:
“This is the perfect place for everyone to sample a new wine – from the casual wine drinker to the connoisseur and everyone in between,” said Maja Russer, the event organizer and Keystone Neighbourhood Company’s event and marketing director. “With 300 different types of wine to sample in one place, we also wanted to make it easy for people which is why we developed our Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival app. It gives you the tool – in the palm of your hand – to find the right wines for you, to keep track of the wines you taste and like or don’t like and to locate the right wine seminar, food or activity for you and your group of friends or family.”
Don’t wait until Saturday for the fun to begin; there will be a pre-festival kick off on Friday, July 18, with a Reserve wine tasting and a performance by Will Donato Trio at the Warren Station Center for the Arts in River Run Village at Keystone.
Then, the festival begins Saturday and wraps up on Sunday with 250-plus wines, wine seminars and live performances by Dotsero, Gregory Goodloe, Christof Brownell, Chieli Minucci Band, Stanley Jordan, Oli Silk Band, Matt Marshak, and Marcus Anderson Band. Like all Keystone Neighbourhood Company Summer Festivals, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local nonprofit, which for this festival is Lake Dillon Foundation for the Performing Arts.
Bring that phone, phabelt or tablet along so you can remeber everything you tasted, with 250 different wines that would be a long paper list! While your at ti Tweet and Instagram while your there using the hashtag: #keystonewine
For more information, visit www.keystonefestivals.
~Mtn Town Views
Photo Credits: Keystone Neighborhood Company
Mtn Town Views is MTN Town Magazine‘s journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns and resorts. Like us on Facebook and Follow onTwitter. Click the cover to read the Spring 2014 issue.© 2014 MTN Town Magazine. All rights reserved. Republication, in part or entirety, requires permission.