June 15th Marks the Start of Summer in Many Colorado Mtn Towns

Call it an extremely unusual year. Our “summer” started way earlier then it normally has in the the past. Warm temps, clear, dry days have resulted in all of us getting out and about far sooner then we normally have. Most towns have stayed on schedule and are opening their summer events this weekend.
I am just looking at the lineup for the weekend and wish I could clone myself. In addition Breckenridge opens their Fun Park and Trestle Bike Park is opening tomorrow too. I am heading to TBEX 2012 at Keystone for the weekend instead and I am excited. As for the rest of you choose carefully, there is some great stuff going on:
Be sure to Check Our Calendar of Events All summer Long!
June 14 – June 16, 2012
The 19th Annual Frisco BBQ Challenge, Frisco
The Colorado BBQ Challenge competition pits teams of pit masters against each other in 10 different categories, including brisket, pork, ribs, chicken, anything goes, sides, desserts, sauces and salsa. Of course, each team competes for the coveted Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion titles as well. For more information please visit www.townoffrisco.com/events/bbq-challenge/
June 14 – June 17, 2012
24th Annual Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup, Steamboat Springs
More than 500 Mustang owners from Rocky Mountain Mustang clubs will convene in Steamboat Springs over Father’s Day Weekend. Activities will include a scenic mountain tour, auto cross, Friday night social, Show n’ Shine Car Show and awards breakfast. Spectators are welcome at the Meadows parking lot located at the corner of Mt. Werner Road and Pine Grove Road for Friday’s Autocross. Over 180 Ford Mustangs compete in this timed event. Saturday’s Show n’ Shine is a car lovers dream located in downtown Steamboat Springs. For more information please visit my.steamboat.com/events/24th-annual-rocky-mountain-mustang-roundup
June 14 – 17
64th Annual FIBArk Whitewater Festival –
Located in Historic Downtown Salida. Whitewater Races, Slalom Competition, Freestyle Whitewater Competition, Arts & Crafts, Food, Carnival, Entertainment and Beer! For more information call 877-772-5432 or 719.539.2068 or go to www.fibark.net
June 15 – June 16, 2012
Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series, Steamboat Springs
A PRCA-sanctioned rodeo series, every Friday and Saturday from June 15th through August 18th, with a special performance on July 4th at 6:30 pm followed by a fireworks display. The Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series is the most successful weekly rodeo in the country. Gates open at 5:30 pm, the BBQ starts at 6:00 p.m. and runs until 9:30 p.m. Pre-Rodeo entertainment appears on the entertainment stage from 6:15 p.m. until 7:15 p.m. The Rodeo begins at 7:30 pm. For more information please visit www.steamboatprorodeo.com/
June 15 – June 17, 2012
115th Annual Strawberry Days Festival, Glenwood Springs
Strawberry Days takes place the third full weekend of June each year. The 115th Annual Strawberry Days festival will be held June 15, 16 and 17 2012 at Sayre (Strawberry) Park. Join us for a hometown parade, live entertainment, a large arts festival, FamilyFest, FREE strawberries and ice cream and much more! For more information regarding Strawberry Days visit, www.strawberrydaysfestival.com
June 15 – June 17, 2012
Food & Wine Classic, Aspen
Each year, the world’s most accomplished winemakers, celebrity chefs, and culinary luminaries come together in one breathtaking setting. In June 2012, the famed FOOD&WINE Classic in Aspen will celebrate its 30th year as the premier culinary event in America. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the pinnacle of good taste, mingle with stars, and enjoy a pleasure-packed weekend at the base of spectacular Aspen Mountain. For more information please visit www.foodandwine.com/classic
June 15 – June 17, 2012
Dinosaur Train, Durango
Join us for the inaugural year that the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge will host DINOSAUR TRAIN™, based on the hit PBS KIDS series. Come meet Buddy, the loveable and curious T-Rex and celebrate the fascination that children have with both dinosaurs and trains! For more information please visit www.durangotrain.com/events/2012-dinosaur-train%E2%84%A2
June 16, 2012 – June 17, 2012
Kingdom Days, Breckenridge
Join us as we celebrate our town’s heritage during the fifth annual Kingdom Days. Celebrate 153 years of Breckenridge’s diverse history with mining, exploration and adventure. Founded in 1859, Breckenridge was inadvertently excluded from some copies of the U.S. maps, becoming known as “Colorado’s Kingdom” until 1936 when it finally became incorporated. For an entire weekend, this real town turns upside down to pay tribute to gold fields and mining, exploration and adventure, brothels and saloons, booms and busts. For more information please visit www.gobreck.com/events/kingdom-days
June 17, 2012
Fishing Derby, Keystone
Everyone wins with a Free Fishing Derby for kids 13 and under. Bring the whole family to cheer and enjoy a beautiful morning on the lake with raffle prizes, BBQ and live music following the event. No barb, no bait. Registration starts at 8am and the derby begins at 9am. Fishing gear is not supplied so come prepared with your own tackle and fishing gear. For more information please visit www.keystoneresort.com/eventdetail/Fishing+Derby+June.axd?year=2012&month=6&eventview=calendarview
June 17 – June 20, 2012
Special All-Women Retreat – Creating Financial Abundance: Claiming Your Personal Power with Money, Ouray
A three-day retreat with a special Summer Solstice Ceremony. Powerful Tools & Exercises to build a Positive Relationship with Money and create Lasting Financial Abundance. All inclusive, with Presentation, 4 Q&A Sessions, 30-minute Private Follow-up with Coach Victoria. After this enlightening experience with True Life Coach, Victoria FitsMilgrim, you will know how to create Financial Abundance and claim your Personal Power with Money. For more information please visit www.beaumonthotel.com/packages/financial-abundance.html?utm_source=April+Newsletter&utm_campaign=April+Newsletter&utm_medium=email
Be sure to Check Our Calendar of Events All summer Long!
MtnTownViews.com is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter.
Photo Credits: MTN Town Magazine
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