Ice Lake and Island Lake Hikes – Silverton Colorado

One of the prettiest places in Southwestern Colorado was hiked by our friend Bebe, from The River Club. It may be even one of the prettiest hikes in the entire state. Ice Lake and Island Lake are gorgeous high-alpine mountain lakes located near our neighboring town of Silverton. Here’s a description on how to get to the lakes.
Head to Silverton over Red Mountain Pass, before you reach the town, there is a turn off for South Mineral Campground. Take this right and head down the road a little ways and you will see there is a parking lot off to the right, park here and the adventure begins. There is a clearly marked trailhead at this parking lot for Ice Lake. The hike to Ice Lake is a moderately steep climb of 3.2 miles to Ice Lake. Before reaching Ice Lake you will see a large lake to your left that is below tree line, Ice Lake is over the next ridge from this point. When you start climbing to the ridge take a moment to see the waterfall that falls diagonally through the rock face, this will be to the left of you.
If you feel adventurous and choose to go to Island Lake you continue on the path from Ice Lake that heads right and Island Lake is another 3/4 of a mile off the trail. Ice Lake is so clear and blue that you can see the fish swimming 20 feet below the surface, it really is one of the most magnificent lakes around. Island Lake is darker is color but has a very prominent island right in the center of it. Make sure to be prepared for hiking in this area, thunderstorms happen frequently and you are exposed at the lakes because they are above tree line.
The flowers may not be much longer but the tundra colors will be magnificent!
PHOTO CREDITS: is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter.
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