Announcing ELEVATE coSPACE in Frisco- CoWorking is Not a Fad

I was at a local coffee shop recently and ran into a good friend who owns her own business. She was hard at work with one of her associates and quite honestly looked a little frazzled. Their work space was confined to a small round table and their laptops were well, on their laps. I am a home based business owner too and we got in to a deep conversation about how difficult it can be to work from home at times. It is great to a point but at times stiffling, especially if you need to meet with a client. Coffee shops have long fulfilled that need but still an office environment can be helpful. I had recently heard about a new Co-Space office opening in Frisco, ELEVATE coSPACE. I have been eyeballing the opportunity to sign up as my company is growing and I need to find a place where I can collaborate with my new associates. I shared my knowledge of what is happening there and thought we would let you know via our blog too.
ELEVATE coSPACE is a new co-working space in Frisco, Colorado, located in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Their unique shared workspace offers flexible and affordable desks, conference rooms and work options for locas and visitors to Frisco, Breckenridge, Dillon, Vail, Keystone and Copper Mountain. In addition to work space the facility will host a variety of meet ups, educational sessions, roundtable discussions and more. Special events rentals are also available for businesses. There has even been some discussion about a weekly Yoga gathering.
Why Co Work? Co-working spaces offer startups, entrepreneurs, business owners, students, corporate workers and vacationers a flexible and affordable place to work and gather in a collaborative environment. The first co-working space in America opened in San Francisco in 2005. Since then, the concept has spread through major cities around the country. Now, the shared workspace movement is moving up to the mountains, a huge benefit to all!
Look for their Grand Opening celebration information here on or check their easy to navigate website There is a lot going on out the Co-Space world. Stay tuned for further news on mountain town co working, we have a lot of information to share.
~Mtn Town Views
Photo Credits: ELEVATE coSPACE