Chris Klug Foundation Says Be a Donor on Valentines Day

National Donor Day was started in 1997 and continues with grassroots awareness activities across our country today. On this day of hearts and love, we hope that from coast to coast Americans will share their commitment to the gift of life, the ultimate gift, with their friends and family. Becoming a registered organ & tissue donor is a way to have a lasting legacy, and it’s as simple as going to to sign up. In CKF’s headquarters of Aspen, CO, the Aspen High School Outreach Club will be sharing the life-saving message of organ and tissue donation as a part of a CKF sponsored Donor Dudes event and encouraging their classmates to designate their donor decision when they get their driver’s licenses. CKF is always interested in partnering with schools and students to share the donation message. For more information on the Chris Klug Foundation, Donor Dudes, and hosting an event of your own, please contact Beth Slater at (970) 618-7120.
The Chris Klug Foundation and its Donor Dudes program host dozens of events across the country throughout the year. Upcoming events include the USASA Snowboarding National Championships at Copper Mountain March 29-30, National Donate Life Month in April, the Vans Warped Tour this summer, and the Transplant Games of America in Houston, TX July 11-15. Lastly, at the Winter X Games in Aspen, CO, January 23-26, volunteers and staff spoke directly to over 3,200 people about the importance of organ & tissue donation.
“Have a Heart” and register as an organ & tissue donor this Valentine’s Day! Learn more about the foundation at
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