Aspen Apres – JUNK Aspen

Color, texture and things yet to be discovered greeted us as we entered JUNK Aspen for a late night need of cocktails and a little food to pad the stomach.
Funkadelic and Fun was what we got as Jefferson (their great bartender) served us concoctions from the bar and I eyeballed the urban décor that ranged from toy army soldiers, candies, Barbie Dolls, matchbox cars and more all held captive in separate wired glass panels below the bar. It was like a scavenger hunt from the seat of my barstool to which we could have created any sort of drinking game, think Eye Spy with my little eye…
Even the menu was a visual mish mash of temptation. From Comfort Food, to Hot Dogs, to Asian inspired cart food, followed up with delicious desserts options, the process of selecting something was another extension of entertainment.
Every hue of color seems to grace this establishments space, from multi colored cup art at the entrance, recycled blue jeans upholstering the seats of the dining room (kind of like your butt sitting on someone’s old ass), crazy aluminum can art on the walls and even a multi-colored post tied with those long rubber balloons that clowns turn in to animals. Kinda’ thought that was appropriate for the bar area, it made for a rubber bumper that some poor inebriated fellow could bump into and bounce off.
The patio seating and fire pit too really made this a place you can put your feet up and relax after a day in the beautiful mountain town of Aspen. JUNK Aspen, you can find them on the corner of Hyman Avenue and Mill Street, adjacent to the pedestrian mall. Go! Have some Fun, let me know what you think.
All Photography Courtesy of JUNK Aspen
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