SNOW in Colorado’s Mountains Today

Ullr blessed Colorado’s mountain town and resorts when the Breckenridge Ski area opened yesterday. His gift of snow showered down on us all last night and will continue today into tomorrow. Here are a few images from around our region to get you excited. It feels like winter and this time I think he is here for the season.
Pictured above is Arapahoe Basin!
Purgatory at Durango:
Copper Mountain:
Steamboat Resort:
Telluride Ski Resort:
Beaver Creek Mountain:
Thank you Ullr!
~MTN Town Magazine
Photo Credits From Top to Bottom:
Arapahoe Basin, Purgatory at Durango, Copper Mountain, Steamboat Resort, Telluride Ski Resort, Beaver Creek Mountain, MTN Town Magazine is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns. Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter.
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