13th Annual Main Street Art Festival Breckenridge

The 13th Annual Breckenridge Main Street Art Festival has kicked off a great weekend of beautiful art in Breckenridge. The show features over 100 artists from around the country presenting ceramics, mixed media, fiber, jewelry, painting, wood, glass, sculpture and much more!
Oil Paintings, Photography, Jewelry…
Multi media, Metalsmithing, Fabric and Clothing…
This fabulous show is the perfect place to take a stroll while you find the perfect piece of art for your home. You won’t want to miss this fabulous summer weekend of art and mountain ambiance.
The 13th Annual Main Street Art Festival is presented by Mountain Art Festivals. Festival hours are 10 am – 6 pm, with FREE admission. Come to the Corner of Wellington Street and Main Street and enjoy all of the colorful artwork.
~MTN Town Views
Mtn Town Views is MTN Town Magazine‘s journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns and resorts. Like us on Facebook and Follow onTwitter. Click the cover to read the Spring 2014 issue.© 2014 MTN Town Magazine. All rights reserved. Republication, in part or entirety, requires permission.