Vail Resorts Echoing Kindness

It’s a chilly, rainy mud season morning in Breckenridge and on a day like this it’s easy to be a little grumpy. I had to get my youngest off for a early dance rehearsal and despaired slightly that a ride might be out of the question. I headed to the grocery store instead to stock up on some necessities. Still in my “woe is me” state I entered the store and was immediately greeted by Breck Ski area staff members.  Bright and cheery, they were handing out a Food Drive list asking for canned goods, toiletries and baby supplies.

Yes, there is woe in households, especially during the down season  in our towns. I immediately adjusted my attitude. How lucky am I to live in a Colorado mountain town, have a good business, healthy children, a roof over my head and food on my plate? Answer: really lucky! So in addition to the items I was purchasing I grabbed some chicken and stars, Buzz-Lightyear and Three Princess soups along with some cereal. Something I know my kids would love.

It made me feel good and I appreciated the effort of Vail Resorts Echo Team taking their time to help promote something that really does help our fellow citizens. I took a look at their website. I had thought that the Echo program was just enviornmental stewardship but it’s more. Charitable Giving and Employees in Action is also part of their efforts. I witnessed it in action and it made me proud to once again call the Colorado mountains – Home.

Thanks to all!

~Mtn Town Views is MTN Town Magazine‘s daily journal blogging about Colorado’s mountain towns.   Like them on Facebook and Follow on Twitter

Photo Credits:  MTN Town Magazine

© 2012, MTN Town Magazine. All rights reserved. Republication, in part or entirety, requires a link back to this original post.


  1. Anonymous at 8:24 am

    I’m one of those people that you have helped. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous at 4:28 pm

    Basic dignity includes basic nutrition. Thanks not only to the Vail Resorts employees who volunteered their time, but to everyone of you who picked up an extra can of tuna or jar of peanut butter to donate. It feels good to something so simple as this!

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