Tubbs Romp to Stomp out Breast Cancer 2012- Saturday in Frisco!

I’m proud to have photographed SIX amazing Romp to Stomp events! Five here in Colorado and one in Park City Utah. They are beautiful… the contrast between white snow and elaborate pink outfits. The energy of the day as a fundraiser for Susan G. Komen is really positive and uplifting as difficult as the disease itself is. This year there are 2,200 snowshoers signed up and room for more!

Each year lots of survivors and families and supporters have come out on snowshoes and raised a LOT of money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Some highlights and favorite photos over the years are below. It’s not to late to sign up to walk or snowshoe (3K or 5K) and you can ALWAYS donate to a snowshoer! You can even sign up as a “snowed in showshoer!” raising money for the event, but not in attendance.

Click on this link for all 2012 signups …

2011 Frisco Romp to Stomp
2010 Park City Romp to Stomp
2010 Frisco Romp to Stomp
2009 Frisco Romp to Stomp

and some favorite images over the years….Tubbs Romp to StompTubbs Romp to Stomp

Tubbs Romp to Stomp

Tubbs Romp to Stomp

Tubbs Romp to Stomp

Tubbs Romp to Stomp

If you need a recommendation for rompers to donate to I’ll list a few of my personal favorites:

B Casapulla – Frisco, Colorado
Robyn Cornwell – Frisco, Colorado

Each year I get help photographing the event and have had some great photographers help me! It’s hard to capture an event with 2,200 or more people without a little help! I’m happy to have Keri Doolittle of Denver come join me tomorrow and I can’t wait to see her images!


1 Comment

  1. Thanks for supporting the Tubbs Romp to Stomp – it is such a beautiful event! I heard there are 2,200 rompers signed up already & more to come tomorrow!

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